Web Browser and Search Engine Market Share Leaders 2018

December 2018 Update Find out which web browsers and search engines are the market share leaders for December 2018. Changes from the previous update (September 2018) are marked with arrows. No arrow = no change.   Search Engine Market Share Leaders 2018 Google retains a commanding lead with increases (+2%) in desktop search and decreases… Continue reading Web Browser and Search Engine Market Share Leaders 2018

This Nov 24 Shop Small

This Nov 24, we want to share Small Business Saturday with you! It’s a holiday shopping tradition that celebrates small businesses like ours. And it wouldn’t be a celebration without customers like you joining us. So mark your calendar for Nov 24th — the Saturday after Thanksgiving — and get ready to #ShopSmall with us.… Continue reading This Nov 24 Shop Small

Speed Up Your Site by Optimizing Images With Google Squoosh

In lockstep with its ongoing effort to speed up the web, Google has released a new tool for optimizing images called Squoosh. Here’s how to get started using Squoosh: Visit the Squoosh website Drag and drop or upload an image I tried it with an 8 MB image that was reduced by 93% in size… Continue reading Speed Up Your Site by Optimizing Images With Google Squoosh

Got WordPress and Jetpack? Flip This Switch to Speed Up Your Site

Jetpack quietly rolled out an update that may or may not have triggered a notification in your WordPress backend for a new feature for speeding up your website. They’ve essentially expanded access to their global content delivery network (CDN) to serve static files in addition to images. What this means is that images and static… Continue reading Got WordPress and Jetpack? Flip This Switch to Speed Up Your Site