Google Sunsets Feed Reader

So Long, Old Friend

Much to the dismay of many hardcore users, Google recently announced plans to sunset their once popular feed reader application, Google Reader, this coming July along with a host of other products.

I’ve been using Google Reader for years to:

  • Collect news stories, social media updates and blog posts for syndication of a particular niche
  • Pool feeds for web services content collection
  • Share feeds with Google connections
  • Star feed items for automatic dissemination to social networks
  • Feed Flipboard (for a more visual mobile feed reading experience)
  • Keep tabs on Google Alerts (much better than email alerts)
  • View YouTube subscriptions
  • Receive Facebook notifications

And, of course, to stay up on the latest from a wide variety of sources, all in one place.

Hello, Old Friend

If you too, use Google Reader to help stay connected, please consider subscribing to Jtree the old fashion way – email. Subscribe right here or use the ‘Subscribe to Jtree’ form located in the sidebar.

Updates are light and content is focused on company news and occasional industry and local topics.

Google Reader Alternatives

The below alternatives are at the top of the feed reader heap and possess a look and feel reminiscent of Google Reader.

[icon image=”box_download” align=”left”][button link=”” color=”green” size=”small”]Feedly[/button]

[icon_list style=”check”]

  • Mobile Apps: IOS and Android
  • Import? Yes, can import Google Reader OPML


[icon image=”box_download” align=”left”][button link=”” color=”green” size=”small”]Newsblur[/button]

[icon_list style=”check”]

  • Mobile Apps: IOS and Andorid
  • Import? Yes, has special import functionality for Google Reader


[icon image=”box_download” align=”left”][button link=”” color=”green” size=”small”]Flipboard[/button]

[icon_list style=”check”]

  • Mobile Apps: IOS and Android


Note: mobile only, no web browser or import functionality

A host of other Google Reader alternatives exist:

  • A WordPress account can be used to subscribe to individual feeds (blog, social, etc.)
  • Web browser feed subscription capabilities
  • Build your own (even host it on your own server) feed reader
  • Downloadable desktop software
  • Free and paid smartphone feed reader applications

Regardless of what platform your choose for your future feed reading needs, Google Reader will be indeed be missed.

Barring additional testing, I’m leaning towards Newsblur… feel free to suggest any alternatives in the comments below.

By Josh Laughtland



  1. Newsblur has temporary suspended new free accounts due to the overwhelming amount of migrating GR users. 😛 Pro accounts are still available, but that’s it for now.

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