SEO vs PPC vs SoMe in Boise

The graph below is representative of the number of Google searches performed in the Boise, Idaho metro region for SEO, PPC, SEM and Social Media. These numbers are not absolute values, but summaries and/or totals – according to Google Insights for Search. Visit the homepage to learn more about our Boise-based SEO consulting services. FYI,… Continue reading SEO vs PPC vs SoMe in Boise

Weblogging? Tumblelog? Tumblr!

We’ve been big fans of Tumblr (one of the web’s top weblogging/blogging platforms) for a few years now. Although we’ve enjoyed other platforms like and Posterous – Tumblr’s ease of use, utility and community keep us coming back for more. Follow Jtree on Tumblr! In the early days, most content produced on Tumblr platforms… Continue reading Weblogging? Tumblelog? Tumblr!

SEO Ranking Factors Graphic

Article by – A Boise SEO Company SEO Mythology or Methodology? Snake oil, witchcraft, dice rolling, dart throwing, voodoo, doing nothing… are all actually not solid SEO strategies. There is method to the SEO madness, as summarized by the “The Periodic Table of SEO Ranking Factors” crisp info-graphic. The Periodic Table of SEO Ranking… Continue reading SEO Ranking Factors Graphic