Week in Tweet Review for 2009-03-15

Google #AdWords Quality Score – it’s all about the CTRs (click through ratios) baby! http://twurl.nl/hg84nz #PPC # iPhoneize your website for free with Intersquash.com http://twurl.nl/tdbpgg #

Week in Tweet Review for 2009-03-08

Twitter is as Bad (Or as Good) as YOU Make It http://twurl.nl/oe620w # DreamTweet asks anonymously : (you guessed it) What are you dreaming? http://twurl.nl/x5jb85 #TwitterTools # Sneak-peak! Next week’s new #facebook homepage http://twurl.nl/zjoose # Firefox is slowly destroying Internet Explorer http://twurl.nl/8842ge # Yahoo! Search Marketing rolling out new features http://twurl.nl/o35wm8 #SEM #PPC #