Quick Guide to SEO Character Limits

It’s easy to forget the latest incarnation of how many characters for which SEO elements to follow when forging new content for a website or blog. The following SEO character limit guidelines are designed to help with optimizing static website content and blog post elements for search engines. [jumbotron] SEO Character Limits Page Titles: 50-60… Continue reading Quick Guide to SEO Character Limits

Throwing It Back 16 Years to Napster

Back before cats were Internet cool, there was Napster. The first of its kind, Napster was a peer to peer (P2P) file sharing program that allowed anyone with a dial-up connection to search for, share and download files – most notably music. [tweetthis]#TBT: Back before cats were Internet cool, there was #Napster.[/tweetthis]   Pop Quiz! Why was… Continue reading Throwing It Back 16 Years to Napster

Google Panda 4.2 Stat Card

Google Panda – An Algorithmic Search Engine Filter Panda is the name given to the Google search engine algorithm filter responsible for policing low quality content. The latest incarnation of Panda was released on July 25th, 2015 in the form of a refresh of the previous May 2014 Panda update.   [jumbotron] Google Panda 4.2… Continue reading Google Panda 4.2 Stat Card

Cutts, Links and Company News

Jtree August Update It has been a scorching summer here in Boise, one for the record books no doubt. As the Summer of SEO ensues, we’ve been toiling away the heat of the day from within the cold, dark chambers of the newly developed subterranean Jtree labs. While we don’t have submersible labs sunken within… Continue reading Cutts, Links and Company News