Google Panda 4.2 Stat Card

Google Panda – An Algorithmic Search Engine Filter

Panda is the name given to the Google search engine algorithm filter responsible for policing low quality content.

The latest incarnation of Panda was released on July 25th, 2015 in the form of a refresh of the previous May 2014 Panda update.


Google Panda 4.2 Refresh Stat Card

Confirmed Release Date: July 25th, 2015

Version: 4.2

Refresh or Update: Refresh

Percent of Search Queries Effected: 2-3%

Propagation Estimate: 2-4 Months (time expected for the update to completely roll out)

Panda Targeting: Pierre Far of Google has reported that many high quality small and medium sites were ranking higher. Barry Schwartz posted about a possible reverse of the latest refresh.

Recovery Timeline: Websites effected by the Panda search filter can not recover until the next Panda update.

Previous Refresh: September 2014

Previous Update: May 2014


Panda Refresh VS Update

A refresh technically applies the same exact signals from the previous update.

Panda Recovery Information

Once a new Panda update or refresh is in motion, recovery attempts from the previous Panda update or refresh will not be recognized.

It is best to wait until the current update has fully propagated before attempting Panda recovery efforts.

Related: Panda Content Guidelines Recommended by Google

By Josh Laughtland


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