Google Penguin 4 Algorithm Update Released Sept 23

Google announced today the final release of Penguin as we know it. Websites hit by previous iterations of Penguin now get their chance to escape from ranking purgatory. With the new update, the Penguin ranking signal will now be included with real-time algorithm updates, which means no more waiting for the next version if a site is penalized. In… Continue reading Google Penguin 4 Algorithm Update Released Sept 23

Test Website Speed and Mobile Friendliness with Google’s New Tool

The days of testing site speed and mobile friendliness with two different tools have recently come to an end. Because of their importance as search engine ranking signals, Google has consolidated both tools into a new tool in addition to making overall effectiveness improvements.   After the scan completes, you can elect to receive a… Continue reading Test Website Speed and Mobile Friendliness with Google’s New Tool

The Classic Showdown: SEO vs PPC vs Social Media Marketing

SEO vs PPC vs Social Media Marketing in One Graph The Google Trends graph below compares organic search interest over time for “SEO”, “PPC” and “Social Media Marketing” search terms. According to Google, the graph numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time. A value… Continue reading The Classic Showdown: SEO vs PPC vs Social Media Marketing